In March 2019, EPA issued a rule to prohibit the manufacture (including import), processing, and distribution of methylene chloride in all paint and coating removers for consumer use. The EPA goes to some lengths to describe what they mean by “consumer use”, but essentially, they’re referring to folks using it for home DIY projects etc.
EPA has taken this action because of the acute fatalities that have resulted from exposure to the chemical. Paint and coating removal products containing methylene chloride will not be able to be sold at any retail or distribution establishments that have consumer sales, including e-commerce sales.
The final rule was effective as of May 28th, 2019 and will start to be enforced after November 22, 2019. After this date, methylene chloride for paint and coating removal cannot be available for purchase by consumers.
These restrictions were developed to address the unreasonable risks of injury to consumers from methylene chloride in paint and coating removal for consumer use.
The rule also has requirements for recordkeeping and downstream notification of these restrictions to others in the supply chain. The rule requires manufacturers (including importers), processors, and distributors to retain certain documentation, amend their SDSs, and describe the restrictions with the shipments.
Silver Fern Chemical markets a number of safe and environmentally friendly alternatives to Methylene Chloride. For further information, please reach out to your Silver Fern Account Manager at 855-437-9924.
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