Because of its versatility as an intermediate, Glyoxal is the chemical of choice for a number of manufacturing applications. It is, for instance, a very efficient crosslinker of cellulose in both paper and textile manufacturing.
Standard methods of Glyoxal synthesis, however, typically result in the formation of small amounts of formaldehyde that persist in this raw material. Part of this formaldehyde content can carry over into the finished products made using Glyoxal.
This poses a problem for manufacturers of products that come in close contact with human beings, such as personal care products and many fabrics. Formaldehyde is identified as a carcinogen by the U.S. National Toxicology Program, and by the International Agency for Research on Cancer. It also has been identified as an allergen and skin sensitizer, and as an irritant to eyes, nose and throat.
As a result, manufacturers can find themselves in the challenging and costly position of developing new manufacturing formulations for their products that are made using Glyoxal.
Silver Fern Chemical has the ideal solution to this problem. We offer a Formaldehyde-Free Glyoxal manufactured through a process that does not produce formaldehyde as an unwanted by-product. This raw material can be substituted directly into existing manufacturing formulations and processes that use Glyoxal, while alleviating the concern with formaldehyde in personal-care and other end-products that come in close contact with people. To learn more download glyoxal 40 sds (Safety Data Sheet).
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